Actions have consequences. I’m sorry if you feel this is unfair to you, but I suspect many women are going to find out the hard way that quality men are not interested in pursuing any sort of commitment after you’ve spent years sleeping around. You’ve managed to lose all value in the relationship marketplace, and these men you’re attracted to are instead going to find better women to commit to.

I’ll outline some of the reasons why many men won’t want anything to do with you:

  1. You are an STD risk. With an excessive body count, we can probably assume at least some of those partners were complete degenerates.
  2. You clearly are unable to commit. The concept of pair-bonding among humans is still a topic of debate, but only an idiot would think that the 59th partner will magically be “the one.”
  3. You gave the best of you to other men and expect some “good guy” to accept the leftovers. Face it, you are no longer in your physical prime.
  4. Marriage with you is statistically dangerous. (See
  5. No man wants to walk into a room full of people with you and wonder how many of them you slept with.
  6. No man wants to be laughed at for committing to you when so many others didn’t have to.
  7. It physically disgusts us to think of your past.

This is the life YOU chose. Thanks to feminism and modern society, you do have every right to live your life this way should you chose to. What you neglected to consider is that any sort of traditional relationship and eventual marriage is now going to be unattainable, as these are not things which are compatible with your lifestyle. While you were busy having all the fun you thought you deserved, many men were busy working to build themselves up with a career and financial stability. These men now own homes and expensive cars. These men have investment portfolios and retirement savings. These men may have gone years without any sort of relationship and would like nothing more than to marry a good woman. These men want nothing to do with you.