You failed to secure a husband during your prime and now you’ve aged out of the dating pool. The harsh reality is you’ve been lied to by other women who claim you can still “have it all” at 40 and beyond. Do you honestly think a 40 year old man is attracted to a 40 year old overweight “boss bitch” with a triple digit body count whining about where all the good men are? Men your age are dating 10+ years younger than you. Why? Men are attracted to youth and fertility, not drunk-on-boxed-wine-at-2pm nagging old wenches.

“But it’s not fair!”

Yes it is, actually. Women are born with their value whereas men are required to earn theirs (having a career, being able to provide, etc). While typical men are busy going to school and trying to work their way up corporate ladders, many modern women are opting to spend their prime going out and sleeping with anyone they want. Instead of retaining their value for their future husband, they’re jumping on short-term happiness and fun while good men are stuck being alone during their 20s. A woman who spends her 20s without a long term relationship is a red flag, as the rest of us know exactly what she’s been doing during those single years. If you think you deserve years of casual sex and “finding yourself,” you better be prepared to remain unmarried with only those past memories to keep you company.

Things aren’t necessarily over for you, though. Assuming you actually take care of your body and you don’t have kids, a man who’s 50+ might be interested in having you as a girlfriend. As you hit the wall age-wise, your best bet is men 10+ years older than you. Alternatively, you can keep pretending you’re happy at your 9-5 office job and coming home to cats at the end of the day.