The level of entitlement with modern women absolutely blows my mind. What you see here isn’t the mindset of just a single woman, it’s shared among far too many of them in western society. Family values have been pushed out and feminism has replaced them with this absolute vile level of degeneracy, peddling “sexual liberation” and the promise that every woman is a queen who can settle down with a prince. As a man, I simply cannot understand how this mass delusion continues to corrupt the minds of young women in western society. There is a balance between the two genders where women control access to sex and men control access to the relationship. A lie being taught to modern women is that they control both, and men will line up to buy them all the dinners and gifts they desire. The inevitable result? Single women go crying about it on Reddit.

If you’re a man who happens to fall into the ~80% group who are mostly invisible to women, you probably spent your early 20s in college or jumping right into the job market. You may have tried to date around in college or, depending on your age, with apps or websites with little to no luck. There’s a good chance you were starting to lose hope, but luckily you enjoy moving up in your career and you’ve also got your hobbies and interests to keep you busy. You continue working hard as you approach 30, wondering if you’ll still be able to find a wife and start a family. Maybe you buy yourself a house or property, a new car, some nice toys to enjoy. You’re in your 30s now with your life together, and you start to notice a change. You might have some familiar faces from your past, quite possibly including women who refused to date you 10 years ago, start talking to you out of nowhere. You don’t understand why they’re suddenly giving you this attention, but maybe this is finally your time to have a relationship with someone who’s looking for marriage.

And then you read a post like this, realizing the women currently chasing you are the ones who spent their prime sleeping around with guys you couldn’t possibly compete with. “I had plenty of fun in my 20s and 30s.” You start feeling uneasy, as if something in your biology is warning you about this woman. You think back to your 20s when you had to bust your ass at work to build yourself up while the women you liked were too busy hooking up with random guys. They didn’t care about trying to get commitment, they just wanted to sleep with the “hot” guys like their friends did. Feminism told them they don’t have to save their youth for the guy they wanted to marry, so they should go out and rack up the bodycount until they hit 30 and decide to settle down.

This is where it really starts to hit you. It doesn’t take a mathematician to put 2 and 2 together here as you realize you’re not the “hot” guy she wants to sleep with, your the “marriage” guy she wants to bankroll the rest of her life. If she’s good, she’s probably already thinking of ways to baby-trap you for the commitment. She might seem eager to become intimate with you but she’s doing it out of necessity. You’ll never get the kind of sex she gave away to all those other men before you. She never gives you oral? Sorry, that was reserved for the “hot” guys only. All she has left for you is missionary with the lights off. This is all she has to offer, and you’re expected to take it without question. You’ve been conditioned to accept this sort of behavior and all the baggage from a woman’s past. The rest of your life will consist of pity sex from a woman who despises being with you, until she realizes you’re stuck with her and simply stops sleeping with you altogether. This is what society today says a man’s role is.

No. Fuck that.