You’re a 32 year old single woman… You no longer have the power to demand commitment as a prerequisite for intimacy. The kind of men who might actually agree to your terms are probably in their late 40s or 50s, or any of the “average” 80% of men who go completely ignored by women. Men know that single women at this age already gave themselves to all sorts of guys throughout their 20s, and by 30+ you’re looking at entitlement and emotional baggage from the massive body-count during the years of casual hookups. You are now past your prime with nothing to offer, yet you think a guy is going to stick around while you dangle the prospect of intimacy should he meet your demands? Get out of here with that crap.

“I’m always afraid the guy is going to leave, so I think I hold back.”

Why would you always be afraid the guy is going to leave? My guess is this is exactly what you’ve experienced while you spent your younger years hooking up, thinking those guys would magically commit to you. A woman who sleeps around and does casual hookups is not commitment material, and all the guys you chased are well aware of this. The problem is, you already lost the power you once held to demand a man’s commitment. Unless you invent a time machine and go back to when you were around 19 or 20, you’re near hopeless. At your age, the only commitment you might get is from a cat.