I would be somewhat interested to see exactly what goes on in a woman’s mind when she thinks this strategy will actually result in a stable relationship. This seems to be what passes as dating in our modern society. These women will go hookup with anyone they feel the tingles with, driving up their body-count in the process. The inevitable catching of “the feels” comes around as anyone with a basic understanding of human biology would expect, and naturally these women find themselves in a situation where they somehow expect to obtain the commitment after having already used their only bargaining chip.

Once upon a time, men were generally required to offer the commitment prior to obtaining sex/intimacy. There is a traditional pairing of man and woman which some might be familiar with, if only I could remember the name… Oh yeah. Marriage. It might shock modern women to learn that once you sleep with a man for no reason other than you wanted to, he in turn will see no point to offering the commitment as he has already obtained the one thing you were supposed to save until obtaining said commitment. How is it possible that modern women somehow lack the ability to consider how their actions will play out when it comes to this delusional form of dating? You have relegated yourself to pump-n-dump material only, and no man with any self-respect will consider a future with you.

There is no point trying to provide advice to these women. The damage is already done. This women is hitting the wall and will find that the only men offering her attention are the ones just looking to use her for fun. She will never secure the commitment she desires from the kind of man she thinks she’s entitled to. She can only continue chasing the tingles and ending up in this same scenario as part of this vicious cycle of situationships, having decided to not spent her prime years actually securing the commitment from a man first.