This question seems to be the running joke when it comes to women talking about their issues with dating. If you find yourself in the “soon-to-be cat lady” area of social media apps such as TikTok, you might notice this question is asked over and over by women crying over the fact they’ve been pump-n-dumped…

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The level of entitlement with modern women absolutely blows my mind. What you see here isn’t the mindset of just a single woman, it’s shared among far too many of them in western society. Family values have been pushed out and feminism has replaced them with this absolute vile level of degeneracy, peddling “sexual liberation”…

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I would be somewhat interested to see exactly what goes on in a woman’s mind when she thinks this strategy will actually result in a stable relationship. This seems to be what passes as dating in our modern society. These women will go hookup with anyone they feel the tingles with, driving up their body-count…

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You’re a 32 year old single woman… You no longer have the power to demand commitment as a prerequisite for intimacy. The kind of men who might actually agree to your terms are probably in their late 40s or 50s, or any of the “average” 80% of men who go completely ignored by women. Men…

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It sounds like your girlfriend is using you to kill the boredom while she waits until she gets back together with her ex. There is absolutely no reason for the guy to stay at her place if they’re not going to get down to business. The fact she thinks this sort of behavior is acceptable…

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This is a tough one to respond to. Let me start off by saying rape is an absolutely horrible crime and nobody deserves to have that happen to them. I believe that men and women who commit rape should be severely punished, moreso than they currently do. With that said, some people need to start…

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When you start reading stories like this one, you start to wonder if women are even capable of loving men. I suppose it’s possible, though I’m thinking those feelings are reserved for the upper 20% of men and guys like this are just going to be used for their resources. How do you devote two…

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There’s a recent article from Psychology Today floating around which amusingly claims men are the problem in modern dating and relationships. Men are seeing just how futile it is to participate in online dating when the prize is typically a fat blue-haired feminist or single mothers, but luckily we have this random therapist to show…

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MGTOW. It isn’t some sort of secret secret society or cult. It isn’t a political movement. It has no leadership, no members, no rules. Quite simply, it is nothing more than a phrase which describes what some modern men are starting to do. Some men who have since “gone their own way” may not even…

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To be honest, this is not the way I imagine this lie usually goes. Please do us all a favor and stop lying about your past. A good man will help you make it work so you both enjoy it. Hiding the truth will do absolutely nothing good and may poison the relationship’s future.

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